A strong, rapid-setting, white cement specially made for use under water but having the same strength and good characteristics for out-of-water use as well. It is twice as strong as ordinary cement with 3 times the bonding power, bonding to old or new concrete, masonry, metal, etc. PERMA-POOL PATCH facilitates the patching of a concrete pool without draining it, and colors may be added to achieve desired appearance, it is easy to use…just add water and apply.
10 lb.
Pool Patch
(Available In Clear Plastic Bags Only)

A tough, pure white
substance for grouting,
sealing and repairing
sink tops, tile floors,
walls, showers, towel
racks, soap dishes,
mosaic, etc. PERMA-TILE GROUT dries in one hour,
and becomes an extremely hard substance that will not
crack or shrink. It creates a waterproofed and mildew
resistant surface. It is easy to use; just apply to
surface with a rubber grout float held at a 30° angle
and force the Tile Grout into joints or cracks. After
hardening, simply wipe off excess with a damp cloth or
sponge. Dries
Snow white in 1 hour.
5 lb. Tile
(Available In Clear Plastic Bags Only)

An instant-setting
hydraulic cement
formulation especially
made to patch and repair
difficult leakage areas.
Wet-Plug will actually
stop the flow of
pressure leaks that
occur in masonry
surfaces. Flowing water
can be stopped
instantly…just mix with
cold water and hold in
place until leak is
plugged. Sets in 3 to 5
minutes; surface may be
smoothed, trimmed and
decorated within 1/2
hour! Wet-plug works
wonderfully for interior
or exterior use.
10 lb. Wet
An instant-setting
hydraulic cement
formulation especially
made to patch and repair
difficult leakage areas.
Wet-Plug will actually
stop the flow of
pressure leaks that
occur in masonry
surfaces. Flowing water
can be stopped
instantly…just mix with
cold water and hold in
place until leak is
plugged. Sets in 3 to 5
minutes; surface may be
smoothed, trimmed and
decorated within 1/2
hour! Wet-plug works
wonderfully for interior
or exterior use.
lb. Wet Plug
Pool Patch
A strong, rapid-setting, white
cement specially made for use under water but
having the same strength and good
characteristics for out-of-water use as well. It
is twice as strong as ordinary cement with 3
times the bonding power, bonding to old or new
concrete, masonry, metal, etc. Perma Pool Patch
facilitates the patching of a concrete pool
without draining it, and colors may be added to
achieve desired appearance, it is easy to
use…just add water and apply.
Tile Grout
A tough, pure white substance
for grouting, sealing and repairing sink tops,
tile floors, walls, showers, towel racks, soap
dishes, mosaic, etc. PERMA-TILE GROUT dries in
one hour, and becomes an extremely hard
substance that will not crack or shrink. It
creates a waterproofed and mildew resistant
surface. It is easy to use; just apply to
surface with a rubber grout float held at a 30°
angle and force the Tile Grout into joints or
cracks. After hardening, simply wipe off excess
with a damp cloth or sponge.
Wet Plug
An instant-setting hydraulic
cement formulation especially made to patch and
repair difficult leakage areas. Wet-Plug will
actually stop the flow of pressure leaks that
occur in masonry surfaces. Flowing water can be
stopped instantly…just mix with cold water and
hold in place until leak is plugged. Sets in 3
to 5 minutes; surface may be smoothed, trimmed
and decorated within 1/2 hour! Wet-plug works
wonderfully for interior or exterior use.